- In stock
- From 100 pieces
- Min. quantity printed: 100
- Print size: 25 x 12 mm
- Delivery printed: 15 days
- +6
USB drives are still a very welcomed gift. Furthermore, the possibilities for the shape are endless. From a simple rotate USB to sticks in the shape of your logo: we deliver them quickly and easily, with warranty
165 products found
By giving your customers and employees a USB drive with your company name or logo printed on it, you’re giving them something useful and compact. Not to mention something that’s handy both at work and at home. In other words, you can’t really go wrong with a printed USB sticks. Pasco Gifts has an extensive collection.
The USB stick is omnipresent. Every office and every home have at least a few lying around. And that’s no surprise, seeing how handy they are. You can put anything on them, from files to pictures, from music to movies and they’re no larger than your thumb, hence their synonym: thumb drives.
Handing out a few branded USB tells your customers something. It tells them your company is forward-thinking, practical and has their best interests in mind. It also means your printed logo or company name will be seen. Not just by your customers or employees, but also by the people they’re handing the USB-sticks too. Because these wonderful promotional products are often used to share videos, music or pictures between friends. In other words, a printed USB-drive ensures exposure.
Our New Spectra USB-drive is a best-selling promotional product. 4 GB, with plenty of room for your company name, logo or message. The USB Twister has 4 GB of storage space and has a traditional, twist-look. A very popular drive.
Our Key USB-stick comes in many sizes. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 of 64 GB. You can have your logo or name printed or engraved on the drive. And, as a bonus, it fits perfectly on your keychain or keyring.
If you’re looking for something fun and playful to hand out to customers, we have USB-sticks in all shapes and sizes. This 16 GB flash drive has the shape of a Mini Cooper. This is a pen with hidden USB-drive, for if you really want to keep secrets. Or if you just like playing James Bond.
This printed USB-mini card fits in every wallet or purse. You can’t even tell it’s a USB-drive, so your files will be extra safe. This USB credit card has the same feature. Both cards had the added advantage of offering large space on which to print your message, logo or company name.
If you want the ultimate promotional USB-drive, we recommend this customisable USB-stick. We can create any shape you want, which means your entire logo can be a thumb drive.
If you have any questions about our promotional products of printing process, feel free to contact our team of experts.